Aunt Mark! My kids are taking me to see John Waters' Christmas for my gift this year! I'm so excited! (My middle one drove him around and herded him onstage and off a couple of years ago when he did a show at the big concert hall here, where she worked. He gave her a copy of his book enscribed to her. I'm hoping he spots her in the room and waves.)
eta: The scene were Serial Mom ran over the high school teacher was filmed at my oldest's high school. We were not present, sadly.
Mark's wedding plates are designed for those people who can't STAND for their food to commingle on the plate. (Is that an OCD behavior ?) Very nice in any event -- sort of TV screen-shaped. Maybe they were intended for Swanson™ TV Dinners ? Their plates have divisions, too. Hmm . . . see how it all fits together ?
Mark, the high school was, and still is, in Towson, just north of Balto. Some of the other scenes were shot in the burbs and some in the city. So many lines from that movie are part of our family lexicon---"Beverly! You have some doo-doo on your shoe!" (gore from the guy she just stabbed with the fireplace poker)
Good times.
(have you seen Pecker? I love that one too! Full of grace!)
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