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Exporting Braz. Ros...

Exporting Braz. Rosewood Furniture from the EU  


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Posts: 4
12/12/2014 2:57 pm  

Hi all,Would greatly apreciate any advice. We have purchased a bunch of Danish furniture (from Denmark) and moved it to the Netherlands. We are heading back overseas and have organised for our furniture to be shipped from here to Australia by a shipping company.When we purchased the furniture, we weren't aware that their sale & transport within EU required a CITES certificate & never received any from the dealers we purchased from.Now the NL government is refusing their export (or rather, waiting to hear from the Danish government about whether they will approve their relocation from the NL to Australia). We have been waiting for 6 months and nothing yet. This is costing us money in storage and time!We have had all of the furniture assessed by Experts and verified it is all pre-CITES convention (ie before 1974, I think). Everyone here (all of the shiping companies and Antiques dealers say they have never required any form of export permits for manufactured timber prodicts).Has anyone had any experience or could share some advice/similar stories? I am getting REALLY concerned that we will not be able to get our furntiure home.Thank you all in advance! 

Dean Tyron
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12/12/2014 4:45 pm  

I can ask my friends if they heard anything similar from other people... What's the name of the company?

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Posts: 4
12/12/2014 5:19 pm  

Hi Dean,
That would be really great, if you could ask.
Shipping company is one of the big international shipping companies; they haven't been a problem (in fact, have been a great help). It is the bureaucratic red tape that has been the issue. 

Peter Dalsgaard
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18/03/2015 1:27 pm  

I don't know if this thread is still relevant, but here's a link to the relevant danish authority "Naturstyrelsen" (meaning department of nature).
I can only find a danish version of the specific page.
There are templates (Ansøgningsskema) and instructions (Vejledning) for both CITES-certificate and export-permit. Again, in danish. Brilliant to have the information about exports only in danish. It should keep the workload down to a minimum for the employees :-/ (mail to the CITES-section)
phoneno.: +45  72542423
I have never applied for a certificate or exportpermit my self. The above is just what I could find on the topic.
I hope you get your furniture home.
If you need help for translating the templates into english, please let me know.


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