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Economic crisis hit...

Economic crisis hits MCM shop  

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 903
05/07/2011 11:15 pm  

Well things are tough at the moment as you all know but was saddened to see the LUNA nottingham closed it's doors overnight and is no more.

Is this what the economy is heading for once Greece goes "tits up"??

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
06/07/2011 5:50 pm  

It is so much worse than that...
It is so much worse than that Simon, seen any factory closures lately? The hundreds of men and woman losing their entitlements is heartbreaking and happeing even here and its the middle of a 'boom'.
Our foreign trade policy isn't so much a shot in the foot as a shot in the head.
Its a bit off topic but I'm going to rant (briefly) so what does Australias (and no doubt other nations) foreign trade policy mean? I have a choice of 15 digital cameras/televsions/ suspicious foodstuffs to choose from...and that adds to quality of life how? Its idiotic and feeds on the worst in people, it is utterly stupid to expect a reduction in pollution with all this 'choice'. We will never have the cake and the sweet thing too. Greed and exploitation of the worst in peoples natures is what it amounts to, the modern capitalist economy is a machine that has no purpose other than its own escalation, keep your wallet in your pants for anything other than the good and the beautiful and destroy it!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 903
07/07/2011 3:44 pm  

Australias problem and the rest of the worlds is
that we operate in economies which rely on throw away products as these short life products keep people in work making more short life products.
Where this goes "tits up" is when money issues are allowed to influence and cheaper products are sourced from far away.
Every one is happy as the price paid is less but the consequence is much greater.
Work = Products = jobs = money = products = work = jobs.
Money issues = price preassure = IMPORTS = cheap product = distortet competition = un-employment = less money = money issues.
Snake that bites it's own tail!!
The critical issue is that HIGH quality can not be produced on the cheap. But do you ever consider this when you buy the worthless "wishbone" copy or the beach towels that hold colour through one or two washes??

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
07/07/2011 5:42 pm  

Buy those cheap things and you're an idiot, and if you're a Christian or a patriot and believe in "love thy neighbour" then you're a hypocrite, its what has always amazed me about the buddying up of the religious right and business in the US.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 576
07/07/2011 7:24 pm  

Greed and Exploitation-you hit it dead on!
Two elements typically found in the formula for a successful corporation.Sickening,innit? I'm an employee at a delaership for a major European car manufacturer.It's staggering what they have taken away from us.Essentially,I'm working twice as hard for half as much.The more successful they get,the worse we are treated.Very,very employee unfriendly,I must say!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
08/07/2011 12:17 am  

Its staggering what we have d...
Its staggering what we have done to ourselves...Huge corporations are awful but they couldn't exist without our buying behaviour being what it is, look at the power the right has wielded with advertising boycotts over the years, the left could do the same but most liberals prefer their Chinese goods and self deception to anything like taking action.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
10/07/2011 10:10 pm  

another reason
Perhaps the reason some businesses cease operations is that they are undercapitalized and mismanaged. This is not be caused by major corporations that have an obligation to their stock holders to supply a solid return on investment.
The world is such a terrible palce, and yet as I type more people live in freedom with food and medical care than any time in history. People stopped crying long ago for all the buggy whip makers that lost their jobs to the auto industry.
A silver lining exist in all situations...people with "cash reserves" are able to purchase inventory at "pennies on the dollar". I was always told that when given a lemon I should thankful that I can make lemonade.


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