I picked up three Aalto 60 style stools online, but have my doubts about whether they are authentic or not.
They have an unspecific 'made in sweden' stamp, similar to these https://www.etsy.com/listing/221750676/rare-vintage-early-alvar-aalto-stool-60
But the contoured edges look suspect.
Thoughts?<img class="wpforo-default-image-a
There are a couple different edge profiles that were used on these stools. Yes the vast majority where the blunt, cylindrical kind, but there was also the type that you have, and a more 'quater-round' shaped one. The key is how the bend in the legs was formed. Artek had a swedish manufacturing location in Hedemora, Sweden.
If you search this site for 'Aalto Stool' or 'Aalto 60', there are numerous threads that address your questions.
Start here: http://www.designaddict.com/forum/Identification/Alvar-Aalto-Stool-60-pu...
and here:
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