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Eames lounge reupho...

Eames lounge reupholstery help needed  


Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 93
09/05/2014 10:33 am  

I have a vintage 70's black leather Eames lounge chair and ottoman that needs new leather on the arms and chair seat. The other leather cushions are still in good condition. Will I have to replace all the leather to get it to match or is there anything I can do to salvage the cushions that are in good shape? I love how the vintage lounge chairs look when the leather is worn and don't want to replace all the leather unless it's absolutely necessary. Thanks for all your help in advance.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1185
09/05/2014 9:20 pm  

Do I look like I need a haircut or should I just brush it over to the side a little bit like this and make do as it is?
Your query may fetch better answers with an image or two...
-an advocate for chair pornography

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
12/05/2014 3:19 am  

Depending how far gone the leather is you can have someone repair, recondition, and re-dye the leather.
There is a great guy in Boston who specializes in leather repair - forum rules prohibit me from posting his contact, but if you Google Eames leather repair Boston I think you'll find him.
I've seen Bryan's work on a number of pieces - he's very good.
You could also try consulting a vintage shop in your area - most of them will know an upholsterer or leather repair shop that they trust.
Good luck!


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