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Eames DCW: authenti...

Eames DCW: authentic vintage or replica?  


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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 71
19/04/2010 10:53 pm  

Hey all

I recently picked up this Eames DCW. The seller claimed it was an authentic Herman Miller chair but I am too new to this stuff to know if that is fact or not. There are no labels or stamps so all I'm left to look at is the workmanship.

Can you view the photos and see anything which suggests authentic or replica? I'm keeping it for my own use, but in the event that I sell it some time down the road I don't want to claim it is authentic if it is in fact a replica.

Some additional details:

The chair was very poorly painted some time ago and is chipping off in many places to reveal a light colour (birch?) underneath. It looks like there *may* have previously been holes drilled through the back rest - which may be why it was subsequently painted. Also, the backrest shock mount (oval style) appears to have been re-glued at some point. Finally, the backrest shock mount has had additional holes drilled in it - apparently to adjust the height of the backrest.

Points suggesting it is authentic:
1. The chair definitely appears to be old which suggests to me that it is not possible to be a recent Chinese knockoff. There is oxidation on the screws and the rubber shock mounts are dried out.
2. The dimensions seem correct
3. The replicas I've seen use the double "puck" style shock mount and not the oval style which this chair has
4. Some significant time has been spent though the years modifying and un-modifying this chair. It doesn't make sense to spend that much time on a cheap knockoff.

Points suggesting it is a replica:
1. The bolts do not look like other screws I have seen. I think the heads are bigger?
2. The 5 wood screws do not sit flush.
3. The seller seemed a bit nervous and the price was rather low, although this could be simply because of the decidedly non-original condition.

Thanks for any help!

EDIT: I can only link 3 photos apparently, so here is a link to the album:

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 71
19/04/2010 11:08 pm  

Thanks for your reply, tynellbuyer 🙂
And yes, I did find this on the Toronto Craigslist. I ended up buying it for $150. I'm planning on stripping the paint, although I've never attempted something like this before. Any suggestions on a paint stripper or method?
I'm pretty sure that the seat back was drilled judging from the additional holes in the rear shock mount (visible when removing the backrest). The backrest is also a bit uneven in the area where there is likely holes drilled. Even still, I'd like to get rid of the poor black paint. I figure I can always cover the back in a leather or paint if it is really bad.


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