Design Addict


Dwell magazine  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
20/07/2007 10:13 am  

I have been giving my own personal review of all the modern magazines and i know i have been somewhat critical and I do appreciate when others do agree with me I read a letter from Jeff Coons of San Diego
tht mirrored exactly what I said about the May issue being one of the worst they put out . I don't want to slam Dwell cause of all the modern mags i think they try the hardest to be ahead of the curve but I think what more can you say about prefab homes that have not been said and about greening up the home .
All of the stories are beginning to smell the same and we no what that smell is .
I think it is great that they want to write about prefab homes and green homes, and 426 sq ft apartments like prison cells . but i think we got the message already . NOW TO THE SUMMER INTERN WORKING FOR A MODERN MAGAZINE FOR THE SUMMER .... GO TO THE EDITOR WITH THE INFORMATION THAT THE PUBLIC IS REALLY TIRED OF THE OLD SLEEPY ARTICLES . THEY WILL EITHER HIRE YOU OR FIRE YOU.

Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 95
22/07/2007 12:53 pm  

those prefabs
I never understood the fascination with prefab in terms of a home. It has become the new way to homogenise domiciles. More selling of stuff, I'd guess. Although I don't read Dwell, I know plenty of people who do. And none of them has bought a prefab.
What was wrong with bulding a nice efficiently built somewhat unique home that is grounded to the earth that crated a need for prefab?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
23/07/2007 3:25 am  

prefab = buzzword
Having been obsessed with the subject for a few years, I have ome to the conclusion that traditional building methods (stickbuilt) is the cheapest way to build and will probably always be. The promise in prefab will only be kept when the greatest percent of the market buys it.. I am only speaking about America here BTW, but I don't think that will ever happen in the States at least.
I think p-refab enthusiasts in America are paddling upstream. I personally see design/build as the most economical and successful way to make modernist housing at a target price.
The problem is "design/build" doesn't have a ring to it like "prefab."
Why not build the same way, with similar materials (where appropriate) but simply in another shape? The truth is, the only people that really how to build cheaply are the big mcmansion and trect developers. Now if we had a company to do that, that spoke our design language....
Has anyone here read "The Perfect $100,000 House?" It's by the first editor of Dwell, who also seems to come to the conclusion that prefab is just a pie in the sky dream for modernist geeks like ourselves .... hardly realisitc on a large scale in the U.S.
I can't speak for other countries ...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
23/07/2007 7:32 am  

pre-fab for millionaires, it...
pre-fab for millionaires, it would be good if Huf came out with a standard small house and resurrected the maison domino.

Trusted Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 54
24/07/2007 12:21 am  

I let my sub to Dwell expire several years ago. IMO, they just got too far from what I was interested in: mid-century modernism. I like Atomic Ranch much more...


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