I picked these chairs out of a neighbor's trash about a month ago. They were attractive, solid Walnut, and well put together. Washed the fabric and gave them a good cleaning up. A company tag to a local hospital was removed, but I left the original manufacturer's tag, Monarch Furniture Company out of High Point, NC. Tried to look up a company history, but didn't really find much.
The other day, a dealer in Minneapolis posted a nearly identical set for sale, made by Dux. I contacted the seller and we had a brief conversation about them. He sent me a couple pictures and a link to another listing, this one in Teak with a clear Dux logo burnt into the backside of the front stretcher. He surmised that Dux started selling furniture in the States at some point, possibly out of this Monarch company. Looking further on my own, I found a number of other similar chairs, as Dux, but none as Monarch. Searching Monarch yielded little, save for a couple isolated, interesting designs.
Anybody know what the story might be, or where I might dig further on it? I've considered renewing my Newspapers.com subscription, but I figured I'd ask first. I plan on selling them, but this twist has made me more curious and wanting to know more before I advertise something I'm not sure about. Any help or ideas would be appreciated, thanks.
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I see enough subtle differences to assume that this Monarch joint just made copies. The side stretchers seem higher on mine than in the marked Dux versions (pictured here), and the side of the seats are also different. Safe to say that these are just decent versions of the same design? Did Dux actually ever produce furniture here in the States?
I just picked up two of these as well. I found the following in my investigations:
1. http://www.edwardwormley.com/seating/quinn-chair
2. http://www.nationalfurnituresupply.com/quinn-chair-7092-by-currey.html?g...
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