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Drunk Apple employe...

Drunk Apple employee loses the iPhone prototype  

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Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 6:28 am  

and was found (kinda) by Gizmodo.

Wow! Unlike the iPad, I'm excited about this one.

Check out the story on CNN:

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 6:29 am  

And here is Gizmodo's
exclusive look at the prototype, click link below:

Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 6:33 am  


Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 6:47 am  

thank you for that
but I still think it looks pretty cool.

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21/04/2010 7:14 am  

Sorry, online typing never really gives a good insight into intent...
Nothing against you it's all the hyped up marketing on steroids that bores the ever-lovin' bejeezuz out of sick of the stuff stuff stuff... buy more stuff or you just aren't cool! And 90% of it ends up in landfill in 2 years...I just can't stomach it anymore, we are such a messed up species!

Modern Love
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21/04/2010 7:19 am  

totally understand Olive
Apple is especially guilty of that.
The story is interesting though. If it's a marketing trick, it's definitely got the internet abuzz. If it's not, the poor guy must have lost his job.

Sound & Design
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21/04/2010 10:38 pm  

Apple is a slave to Wall...
Apple is a slave to Wall Street.

Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 11:12 pm  

Lost his job
And then committed seppuku.

Noble Member
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22/04/2010 12:13 am  

Wow Olive,
I MEAN NO DISRESPECT, but your comments seem kind of ironic given the nature of this forum. There are probably members of this forum who get a portion of their "id" from their knowledge/appreciation/collections of the objects discussed on this forum. NOT IMPLYING YOU DO, can't say that I'm not guilty of it myself, but there is definitely a cool factor at play here.
Marketing hype or not, there aren't a great deal of companies I would put in the same category in terms of their understanding of the role design can play in everything they do...and capital "D" design and not just surface treatments.
I appreciate all of your input Olive.
Oh crap...think I just heard the pop-top on a can of worms.

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2010 4:54 am  

No, not at all, DudeDah,
In fact I know there are folks here on DA, notably Koen, who have very similar views on this. I can certainly appreciate a good object. I appreciate a well-designed and useful object, I appreciate a beautiful object.
What I don't appreciate, and what I think ALL of of us should not appreciate, is a product designed for the trash heap, leaving behind tons of non-biodegradable crap. I also dislike the hornswoggling of the public that marketing does to make you think you NEED all this trash-fodder to be cool. (and I spent 20yrs in marketing!) Attach all the 'id' you want to possession/appreciation/expertise of objects, but you don't have to create a mountain of garbage to do it. I applaud the folks here who are dumpster-divers, vintage freaks, or DIY-ers. They love their possession AND keep stuff out of landfill!
In my mind, the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra is absolutely compatible with design obsession!

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2010 5:18 am  

I can agree with you, though, that Apple is whiz at form as fully part of function.

Noble Member
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22/04/2010 5:41 am  

That's cool...
I can understand it from an environmental standpoint but imagine that our landfills are full of just as many household goods/appliances/furnishings/finishes as anything else. I have to admit that I am an Apple freak, I work in an industry where a great many of their products are "tools of the trade" but, at the same time, am not necessarily a fanboy if you will. I would love to see someone do things "better" than Apple, but they seem to have a legacy of innovation that is pretty admirable and tends to define "the new now". I guess I just found it ironic that we were discussing the collection of stuff stuff stuff to be a bad thing when the majority us here are trying to add to our collections of household goods/appliances/furnishings/finishes on a seemingly constant basis. Now, if the discussion is limited to ANY OF THESE OBJECTS making us cool simply by owning them, well then, I've been thinking a lot lately that unless you are the innovator/designer yourself, then you're way behind the eight ball and already a sheep. BUT If we let any of this stuff define us (innovator or collector alike), well, we have bigger problems.

Noble Member
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22/04/2010 6:15 am  

It's not my iPhone that makes me's the real walnut case!

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2010 12:05 am  

Watch this...

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2010 12:24 am  

When I think about useless disposable crap I dont think cell phones... I jump to packaging. To me, one of the most prolific sources of waste is packaging. From sushi to cell phones, it's all wrapped in plastic clamshells that are useful for the brief transit between store and home, and then (in my house anyway) into the recylcing bin. And what is the worst is that, unlike many products, there isn't really much that can be done aftermarket with plastic clamshells. I use a few here and there for holding paints and solvents, but thats about it.
I think its easier to focus on the big items: cars, computers, cell phones; rather than on the almost imperceptible waste that is a soda bottle, a plastic grocery bag, the celophane wrapper on your gum.
My second public enemy for waste is children's toys. If you want to talk a culture of "need". Blagh... my favorite toy growing up was a set of unfinished wood blocks.

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