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Does anyone watch t...

Does anyone watch the TV show 'House, MD.'?  

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Illustrious Member
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04/02/2009 12:14 am  

I'm not a big TV watcher and a little slow with popular media, but I have just begun watching 'House, MD.' It's a brillinatly done show with seriously good acting. I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan and starting watching House, when I learned that it was based on SH. House...Holmes...get it?

Anyhow I wondered if anyone here was a fan of the show? I have been happily cataloging the number of design favorites used in the show. If the hospital in the show was buying 'real' pieces they must have a heck of a furniture budget.

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2009 12:42 am  

Everything is real
Except the Eames lounge. My boyfriend is addicted to the show. It looks like they stopped at DWR and ran through the catalog - Wassilys, Eames, Aerons, Corbusier, Blu Dot, Emeco, Noguchi, Nelson, Jacobsen etc.
The corduroy Eames, however, is a plycraft. One scene was shot from a low angle looking up and you can see the tilt mechanism.

Famed Member
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04/02/2009 1:00 am  

It's brilliant. And there are more Holmes references!

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2009 1:11 am  

I do like House (the few...
I do like House (the few I've seen) and Hugh Laurie is a fine actor - look out for any clips of him as Bertie Wooster from 20 years ago. However I do find the show quite formulaic - all the ones I've seen seem to have had the same basic plot!

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2009 1:26 am  

As an afterthought; the second series of Madmen starts here next week, a real treat - I know from previous posts that there's a few fans of it here on DA. I'm quite humbled, (especially as Generation Kill has just started here too), by the quality of American TV drama compared to the crap we make in this country.

Famed Member
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04/02/2009 1:42 am  

I dont watch it
or havent in years. There are so many medical inconsistencies and falsehoods that it drives me crazy!
rockybird (MD)

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2009 9:44 pm  

Olive, I'm not a big TV...
Olive, I'm not a big TV watcher either (I tune into The Office religiously, and Letterman, if I like one of his guests). I've seen House because my partner likes the show. The storylines are interesting, and I recognize some of the furniture, but for the most part I get the sense watching it that there are no longer enough cushy college teaching jobs in the United States to contain all the MFA graduates in Creative Writing. Does anybody talk (or even exist) like the folks on House, especially House? Maybe I could buy it if it were not presented as real-life drama. At any rate, I fell asleep the other night right after blood started shooting out of the patient's eyes, only to be rudely awakened as House used his cane to flip from the trashcan an empty box of Tampax into the hands of one of his minions, which would probably have been funnier if I hadn't had a backache, having dozed off in my Ox chair, which, depending on who you talk to, is either a knockoff or reissue. It was nothing I thought, though, a hot bowl of Progresso soup wouldn't cure. Unfortunately, all we had was Campbells. You probably had to be there.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 12:36 am  

Hudson - thanks, that made me literally LOL.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 1:15 am  

I swear...Reality TV has destroyed the art of Storytelling
Now we want our entertainment to be all facual and accurate and perfectly designed. There's just no sense of wonder in the world anymore. All our myths are now on You Tube or getting debunked on the latest episode of Mythbusters....I imagine books will die out next.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 2:33 am  

I've seen only one episode, so probably I'm not the best judge...but I hated it. It was one of those shows so badly written, so contrived, so lazy that it made me physically tense to watch.
And not because it's bad--which it is, but that's par for modern TV--, but because people whose opinions I otherwise respect seem gaga about the show. To each his own..but I'm completely at a loss.
The House/Holmes pun that Olive mentions, for example, to me seems trite. Certainly leagues below anything one would find in Conan Doyle's works.
The episode I saw was a Christmas episode... The doctors spent so much time bickering about personal issues that it's no wonder the patient ended up dying. Ah, but before she died, she divulged that several months earlier she'd given birth to a still-born baby in an alley. With nothing more than faith, one of the doctors went to a nearby house where she found the impoverished family who'd discovered the baby, miraculously alive, and had cared for it all these months. The doctor took the baby and chose to raise it as her own.
Blech. Send in the hounds.

Famed Member
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05/02/2009 9:44 am  

I agree with you Brent. I...
I agree with you Brent. I suppose I should just accept it as just a show, but it is so inane. The doctors do everything...surgeons, internists, infectious disease experts, pathologists. That does not happen in real life. I quit watching when some of the docs broke into a patient's house to find a "clue" as to why she was sick.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 3:35 pm  

"The corduroy Eames, however, is a plycraft"
...or, perhaps, a Mycroft, Olive?

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 5:52 pm  

Snicker...I did think a corduroy Lounge, seemed paradoxical!
But, geez! Mars must be in retrograde, we are a feisty bunch lately. We need to lighten up!
I find House entertaining. Yes, formulaic, as indeed the original Conan Doyle books were. As to factual accuracy, I don't care, it's a story, it's fun to watch. Hugh Laurie has the best american accent ever and I think he's funny. Wisearse humor has always cracked me up and I can't watch Little Britian anymore since I reduced my cable package. So for 1 hour a week I watch something frivolous and then get back to DesignAddict-approved serious intellectual reading like the entire Phaidon Catalogs, the American Tax Code, and the Technical Manual of the Universe.
I bet some of you watch American Idol!

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 6:19 pm  

I swear I only watch it for the articles.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2009 6:28 pm  

Laughing AT me or laughing...
Laughing AT me or laughing WITH me, LuciferSum. Ah, no matter. Just thankful you laughed. And that you are a good sport. I'm not certain how what started out for me to be a reply to Olive's question about House turned into a treatise on elitism. Or was it a treatise on soup? But such for me is the delight of this forum. Thanks again to all of you.

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