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Dilemma on Eames Lo...

Dilemma on Eames Lounge Chairs  


Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
02/12/2013 9:44 pm  

Hope everyone had a wonderful time with family over Thanksgiving. I have a dilemma for which I'd like to hear you opinion. As we're making space for our baby, I'm going to have to sell one of my 670/671 sets. I've narrowed it down to 2 choices: The first is a recent production (Dec, 2010) in black stock leather and Santos Palisander in mint condition. The second one is also black leather but rosewood from the 70's in good condition minus some minor chipping around the edges. Normally it'd be a no brainer because Rosewood wins hands down and the leather back then was way superior. However, what's earning points for the Santos Palisander one is its very beautiful grain. Don't get me wrong, the rosewood is also dark and nice, but the Santos Palisander has an even better pattern and contrast. I figure either one of them will probably sell at a similar price. Any thoughts?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
02/12/2013 10:02 pm  

like you said kin..
lots of variables to consider:
1) what can you get for each? (tie?)
2) which do you enjoy looking at more now? (new has nice grain, but old is cool)
3) what can you get for each 10 years from now? (going with the old one here)
4) which one will you regret selling more after selling the other? (old one- again)
5) which one will you worry about less once the kid is messing it up? (new)
6) which one makes your heart sing? youre a collector... youre gonna keep the old one HANDS DOWN! Im guessing that your wife likes the grain in the new one better, and you have to admit she has a point, but HATE the idea of parting with the old one. But youre such a nice guy that you are trying to convince yourself so you can make her happy?
Good luck with this difficult decision.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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02/12/2013 11:06 pm  

I'd keep the chairs and sell the kid.

Famed Member
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Posts: 395
02/12/2013 11:10 pm  

Dear Psychic Eameshead, you r...
Dear Psychic Eameshead, you read my mind. To add another sentimental factor to the newer one, my wife and I drove close to 1000 miles within 24 hours to get the set and it was the first piece of Eames furniture collection we ever owned. Now you see my ambivalence?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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02/12/2013 11:19 pm  

I'd sell the new chair and rent the kid.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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03/12/2013 12:21 am  

no kin,
Not psychic... but I could tell you love that chair every time you talk about it.
You cant sell that chair! As you said, you went so far to land it, and it was your first love! But I'm not trying to sway you or anything... nope not at all LOL...
I am not trying to make you feel bad if you decide to sell it. You have many things to consider...
And Objectworship: SELL the kid?
And Mark: RENT the kid? Jesus. Better bring your velcro too then...
He's just kidding. Congratulations Kin!
As Mark always says, ORDER UP!!

Illustrious Member
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03/12/2013 1:07 am  

Narrowed it down to 2?
How many of these things do you have?

Famed Member
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Posts: 395
03/12/2013 1:21 am  

Woody, I'm a lucky bastard...
Woody, I'm a lucky bastard as I'm fortunate enough to own another very old 670/671 set with the boot glides. It'll probably take a bullet in my head to take that away from me.
EamesHead, you've just officially made my life more complicated by NOT trying to sway my decision...... Thanks for the good wishes though =)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
03/12/2013 1:28 am  

And seriously,
congrats on the bouncing baby.
How precious,
Aunt Mark
ps. do they bite?

Famed Member
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Posts: 395
13/01/2014 9:10 pm  

In the end, we decided to sell our newer 670/671 to a couple. Part of the decision had to do with how they were very enthusiastic about the purchase because they too fell in love with the wood grain of it. It felt good and right to know that our first love went to a home in which it'd be well cared for instead of sitting around as a museum piece with us. I must say I miss it though.......


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