The fpm factor product münchen, Ironing board Au Pair for Caritas Wendelstein Werkstätten is a reasonable design with quality materials manufactured and sold to help the less fortunate.
Metropolis - October 2008 stated that this product was available at Design Within Reach. A quick "keyword" search on their site did not produce any viable results.
Good thread poor opening
This impressed me. Extremely simple and low cost with enormous benefts. It transforms the life of an individual and that in turn is magnified to those around them. Not to forget, bringing some sci-fi nerdiness/steampunk to anyone. Aces.
I don't
know what percentage of vision-correction patients are near-sighted as opposed to far-sighted -- but the inflatable lenses would only work for far-sighted persons. Near-sightedness (myopia) requires lenses that are thinner in the center than at the edges. I wonder if there is an adjustable lens of that sort ?
None of these devices is able to adjust for eccentric aberrations like astigmatism -- but perhaps the correction of the primary aberration is enough of a miracle.
The glasses are really interesting!
What a cool idea!
Hey, fastfwd, we all know that 'niceguy' is really our old buddy Ark, but he IS trying to be less hostile, so we should try too, right? I've decided to give it a go, if he avoids being a complete d**che bag then I will ignore his less annoying posts. You in?
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