Design Addict


The Design Addict v...

The Design Addict vase project (part 1)  

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Illustrious Member
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07/05/2007 7:07 pm  

Hey all. I'll return soon....
Hey all. I'll return soon. I've almost lost the cold but now, hooray, but the company that makes my new kitchen has begun to act stupid so the discomfort continues.
Just quickly wanted to show you a vase I really like, the Flataalto vase by Ronen Kadushin. Try the link, scroll down a bit and click on the first picture.

Patrick - desig...
Noble Member
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08/05/2007 3:06 pm  

New sketch from Koen
This is Koen's answer to my last proposal. I like it!

Click on the image below for a larger view

Illustrious Member
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08/05/2007 7:06 pm  

This design totally works for me. Sleek, but still an new way of displaying an arrangement. I'd buy this design in a heartbeat! Koen, I yearn for your designs to come in a matte black finish with the natural clay....

Illustrious Member
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08/05/2007 8:51 pm  

Thank you Olive...
...but let's not spoil the fun yet. Even if this is a viable option I still think we should consider alternatives. The obvious ones are of course other shapes, but even in this one we have to compare a number of possibilities.
Just to name a few:
The circular cavities could be a continious concave (spherical) shape with one or two holes in the lower end of that surface.
The slightly recessed circles (make to avoid a kind of "grater-like" look) could also be the start of a half spherical shape that comes just slightly out of the cylindrical shape, as small "balconies".
The concave surface could also be a convex one with the two holes on top of the convex surface.
In a "normal" design process designers will systematically go through a number of these alternatives, just to make sure that amoung obvious alternatives, they choose the most attractive one. The alternative is of course that you "inspire" someone else, which every good product does by the way, who than makes the better variation on your research.
I guess I should sketch these things so that we can all react to it.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 12:22 am  

I'd like to see convex bulges with holes on top, front & side to give more variation in positioning the flowers.

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 1:52 am  

Hi James!
Just give me a few minutes...

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
09/05/2007 5:34 am  

How about
1) print this image and cut out along the blue line.
2) Roll into cylinder joining the left and right sides.
3) Tape the seam closed.

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 6:30 am  

or perhaps something like...
or perhaps something like this, I also thought of perhaps having a curved base where the water acts as a balast...perhaps kitty might knock it over less , I think maybe a perforated ceramic cap which sits over a lip on the main part of the vase. James' idea with the paper cylinder would look good but I think unless the vase can be made to taper inwards at the top it wouldn't be very functional.

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 6:34 am  

Yummy !
Now, imagine that the resulting cylinder is instead a cone or even a "bomb" shape, either open or closed at the top. . .

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 6:40 am  

or this

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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09/05/2007 6:55 am  

Thats pretty cool James, I...
Thats pretty cool James, I reckon thats pretty good, what do you think Koen? Is it do-able? Perhaps the larger perforations should be at the top of tha vase?

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 7:02 am  

there would be heaps of...
there would be heaps of patterns for the perforations...slots, a star shape, a daisy shape...if the cap was a seperate piece it could even be made out of another material.

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 8:37 am  

It amazes me al the time how convergent a group of people can think about a particular object and the problems it reases and the solutions it generates. You showed off line a picture of the Zeebrugge Ferry terminal and now James comes up with an elongated version that only requires to be closed at the top to become the DA vase version of your analogy.
As I mwntioned to Patrick. Unless holes are of the same size and require the same tool, I would not exclude it. We all understand that the holes have to be made by hand, because the casting can not be selective. But it certainly could be done. In my suggestion the holes were all the same diameter just so that they could be done with one simple tool.
Let's see other reactions. If this one becomes the favorite i will be glad to find a way to do it economically.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
09/05/2007 8:47 am  

yay! it will be good to see...
yay! it will be good to see some reactions and sketches, exciting!

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
09/05/2007 9:10 am  

What about
The sort of elongated egg with this pattern of holes. The small one at top/center is for a single perfect stem...

The circles of course get closer together down the sides.

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