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Definitive Book on ...

Definitive Book on Danish Modern?  


Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 392
24/04/2008 3:55 am  

Anyone know of such a book? I googled and browsed around on Amazon and surprisingly came up with nothing. I did come across a book on William Stout website but it's written in Danish and out of stock.


It's called "Den Store Danske Mobelguide" 2005.
Encyclopedic guide to modern Danish furniture. Danish.
Anyone familiar with this book can tell us something about it?

I can't believe that one of the most influential design styles ever, pretty much the blueprint for today's modern design, doesn't even have one definitive book devoted to it that's written in English. I'm I wrong to think that?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 558
24/04/2008 6:44 pm  

A Treasury of Scandinavian Design by Erik Zahle
I don't own it, but this good article on Danish Modern cites it as a source. A current ebay listing includes lots of photos of the book. You can find better copies for sale through, btw.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1445
24/04/2008 7:51 pm  

Good suggestion
That's a good book. You shouldn't focus your quest on ONE book, as it nearly impossible to wrap everything in one 500 pages or under book. This movement was so well documented over decades, there are many to choose from! They all contribute in one way or another. If pricing is a concern, be careful as some are irrationally priced! The Erik Zahle shouldn't be more than $50 in near mint condition....quite common, same for the examples below.
Some of my favs and good starting points:
Charolette Fiell did a nice more recent retrospective, including newer design...simply titled Scandinavian Design. There's two editions...get the 400+ page edition. Good place to start
Scandinavian Modern Design: David Revere McFadden
much like Zahles publication, just a little different
Mestervaerker: 100 Years of Danish Cabinetmaking by Larsen, Matz, Olesen Focus on furniture, quite nice

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
24/04/2008 7:53 pm  

In addtion
Search your local library. Explore with no obligations other than returning it.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 392
03/05/2008 11:23 am  

Thank you both for your recommendations!


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