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Danish Chair..Stole...

Danish Chair..Stole ID  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
16/07/2007 9:48 am  

Hi Robo,
I am not as much an expert as Simon, but as far as I know it is a Erik Kirkegaard design for Hong. You asked for advise on whether or not you should spend money on restauring them. I would follow Simon's advise, or any other knowledgeable person in the trade for that matter. What I have to add is not an advise as to the commercial value, but the design value. I have met Ernst Blomhoj who happened to be a friend of a friend. As far as I know he was a very descent fine human being but he never thought of Hong as being in the Danish Design business but rather as a company that was providing people with affordable furniture.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 903
18/07/2007 2:31 am  

Hi Robo
your chair is not one that has super pedigree but this should in no way detract from the time and money you will want to spend on it.
Because what you have there is a chair that started out as economy of scale.(make many, keep price low)
The chair has stood the test of time and use. It has been used, loved, discarded and now stands there in front of you with all is charm and charisma. You see a good usable chair that once restored will be uniquely yours.
The chair may have been derived from beginnings of using "line" of others but in it's own right it is still here.
I have 3 pieces of FAKE Hans Wegner pieces which to all "professionals" are just "bastards". To me they are unique pices of furniture that have their own value BECAUSE they are of pieces that have never been faked. I cherish them for the fact that I am sure I have the only ones.
Now your chairs are in the same leaque. They are not hugely credited but that does not make them "hold their own"
You have a chair that is worth spending time on. Value pr chair $600 restored so go for it enjoy them and use them for what they are intended.
I think part of what I am saying is also to those jumping on 1st. Dibs is that
if YOU love the piece then you will be willing to pay the price / spend the time getting them rigth so YOU can enjoy them no matter what other say think collect pay etc.

Estimable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 83
24/07/2007 1:24 am  

Dear Simon,
Dear Simon,
I agree in total to what you are saying, I have no problem spending money on the suite, ultimately it's a case of knowing exactly what I have ( still not sure about that Hong thing ). Like everyone I was hoping I'd unearthed a real gem which would have added to the buzz.
As for the 1st Dibs comment. I agree with that also. What price Art ?

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