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Classic lauritz mis...

Classic lauritz misleading...... For CDSILVA  

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Honorable Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 132
18/04/2012 12:32 am  

I posted a comment on their...
I posted a comment on their blog (see link)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2041
18/04/2012 4:40 am  

After a week of trying to...
After a week of trying to get in contact, I finally received a quick note from Lauritz this morning that stated:
"We are working with your problem and I will contact you as soon as possible."
While it offers little info, at least they are finally acknowledging that there is a problem.

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2012 2:19 pm  

What happened
With both the blog entry and your response cdsilva?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2041
22/04/2012 8:29 pm  

The person replying to me...
The person replying to me said that a manager will be returning this Monday to the office and will address the issue. No indication yet of their position. I am pursuing a Visa reimbursement simultaneously, so any stall tactics on their part would not be in their best interest. If we were to reach an agreement before the Visa process is finalized, I would withdraw the dispute.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2041
23/04/2012 9:28 pm  

Well, there may be a satisfactory ending after all . . .
Lauritz did get back in contact with me today after the manager had returned to the office. They agreed with my original third option: full refund of auction price, I accept the shipping cost already paid, and I keep the wrong table sent to me. They recognized that while the solution was not a conventional one, it did end up costing them the least amount of money overall relative to what I was entitled to.
Assuming that wire transfer goes according to plan, it ends up being an acceptable ending for me. While I would have preferred to have acquired a table in better condition, I believe the final resolution was very reasonable and fair to both parties.

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2012 9:51 pm  

A satisfying resolution.
And not without some considerable effort, patience, and restraint on your part, cdsilva. I'm impressed that you chose the high road and stuck to your guns. Thank you for sharing your experience and for providing a real-world example of how these disputes should be handled. Well done, sir. You deserve our congratulations.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2041
24/04/2012 1:58 am  

The $ is not in the bank just...
The $ is not in the bank just yet. I may end up going on a rampage . . .
While getting the wrong table was frustrating, there was no clear indication that there was any intentional malfeasance on Lauritz' part. Everyone makes mistakes, and getting upset wasn't going to solve anything.
I am glad that once the mistake was identified, they chose to accept responsibility rather than try to work their way out of it.
Hopefully, I can add a final entry to this thread in a couple of days.

Honorable Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 132
24/04/2012 4:26 pm  

Glad there is progress...
Glad there is progress cdsilva. I think that the warehouses who auction off the pieces may be operating under the franchise of Lauritz (this is just my theory...) and that each warehouse has different standards of service. My personal dealings with them (Lauritz) have always been satisfactory so I was dismayed to hear of your problem. My comment on the blog is still 'awaiting moderation';). Let us know the final outcome.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2041
30/04/2012 7:52 pm  

Final Chapter
The refund posted to my account this morning. With the matter finally resolved, for the first time now, it feels like the table is mine. My 13 month quest to get the Smile is complete.
Once I do a little wood reconditioning, I'll post a photo of the table in its new spot next to a Wanscher settee and Pearsall lounge chair.
Now if I could only find a reasonably priced Risom U620 bench . . .

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