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Chrome sofa ID help

Chrome sofa ID help  


nico leo
Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 116
13/05/2012 5:14 am  

Can anyone identify this sofa?

nico leo
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Posts: 116
14/05/2012 5:56 pm  

I was really hoping someone could put a name to this sofa. From what I can tell it is unmarked. Does anyone think this is as cool as I do or am I alone on this?

Eminent Member
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14/05/2012 8:37 pm  

I'm sorry. I have no clue...
I'm sorry. I have no clue who made it but I do think it is cool. I like the way they designed the cushions to be set back into the couch they didn't just make a flat back for the cushions to rest on.
I think it would be great on a porch or in a rumpus room or an office. Good find- and I hope you find a maker!

nico leo
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Posts: 116
19/05/2012 8:20 am  

pick it up today
I picked up the sofa today and it is very cool. It is very heavy and actually looks and feels like it came out of a 1940's era Greyhound Bus station. Very streamlined and modern. Does anyone have an idea if this is accurate?

Illustrious Member
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19/05/2012 11:24 am  

I spent
a good 30 minutes trying to find a comparable, figuring it was pretty distinctive. No luck.
I would give a non major internal organ for that couch.

nico leo
Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 116
21/05/2012 6:54 am  

thanks for trying waffle. I have spent hours trying to find any leads without any luck. I'm going to start polishing it up tomorrow and get it to really shine. I bought it at an auction so I don't have any idea where it came from.


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