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Illustrious Member
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28/10/2006 11:15 pm  

That piece is amazing... Looking at it in 1958 one must have thought the future would one long, brilliant expanse of better and better design. Beautiful images. Thanks for posting this here.

Illustrious Member
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29/10/2006 1:44 am  

Listen to Donald Fagen's IGY if you want...
to get the musical expression of your feeling looking back at this 1958 piece.
FWIW, IGY stood for International Geophysical Year and it was a year celebrating the future of science coming fruition.
Seems kind of quaint now, but there once was a lot of hope for the future. For the younger folks, Phillip K. Dick was once thought an eccentric nut trapped in hopeless pessimisism, before his paranoid vision of the future came true.
At the time of IGY, in part because society labored under the imminent specter of the mushroom cloud, escape through scientificism (the ideology and religion of science, not science itself) made a kind of reassuring, circular sense. Science seemed to have gotten us into the nuclear nightmare. Surely, it would be science that would get us out of it, too. It was all hooey of course meant to give the public some hope, while the Dr. Strangelove's worked at solving the thermonuclear exchange problem through game theory no one was sure would work.
To those successfully propagandized into "believing" in scientificism, the future looked so bright, you had to wear shades.


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