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Avalon - British co...

Avalon - British company, 1960's  


H. Wilson
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26/04/2010 9:46 pm  

Can anyone give me information on a British company called 'Avalon' or 'Meredew Avalon' which produced many designs in teak for the home market in the '60's and '70 's? I'm going to buy an L-shaped room divider/wall unit which is made by Avalon and was curious about them. Thanks for any help!

Robert Leach
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26/04/2010 10:26 pm  

Some stuff
about Meredew here:
But I had no idea Avalon and Meredew were connected.
Avalon are probably best known for their 'ladderax' type flexible wall system.. is your corner unit part of that series ?

H. Wilson
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27/04/2010 4:26 am  

Thanks for the info
No, the one I'm getting isn't the ladderax. I only put the two names, Avalon and Meredew, together because in doing my own hunting around on different sites I saw them often mentioned together, especially on the UK selling sites. Sorry I don't have a picture of mine but I've posted a link to a picture so you can get an idea of what the uprights are like.

Trusted Member
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27/04/2010 12:19 pm  

great designs not the best quality
Avalon furniture is often pretty stylish from a distance but just doesn't have the build quality you find from the better furniture manufacturers. This particular ladderax style furniture is a little flimsy and tricky to put together, the support rails that run under the cabinets have spot welded 'hooks' at either end that have a tendancy to flick off if you're not carefull. Also the cabinets are basic, the glass doors often don't come out for transport and the veneers can be a little thin so restoration can be tricky. In short generally good looking but certainly not investment pieces.

Robert Leach
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27/04/2010 6:53 pm  

that's the 'ladderax type' system I was referring to.
Yes, I agree with all the above comments too, and would add that the shelves, and in some cases the units, have a tendency to sag, especially the longer ones..
Meredew, on the other hand, produced some very nice, and fairly well made, stylish pieces, moreso in the 50s than later.

H. Wilson
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28/04/2010 10:15 pm  

Thanks for the help...
Thanks for the information. As it turned out, I was scooped by another buyer but after reading what you said about Avalon I'm not so disappointed.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
29/04/2010 4:20 am  

If you want something similar
then Ladderax is better quality and sturdier.


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