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Any information on ...

Any information on this designer?  


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10/06/2010 11:37 pm  

I recently purchased a beautiful set of chairs designed by Frederik Sieck for Fritz Hansen. These chairs, Fritz Hansen Model 3200, were made around 1962 and seem to be the only furniture Sieck ever designed. He also wrote a book on Danish furniture called "Dansk Møbelkunst." Apparently Sieck was Swedish. That's about all I know and have been able to find out searching the Web. He seems to be quite obscure. I was wondering if anyone on here happens to know anything more about Frederik Sieck?

I should add that I don't know with certainty that Frederik Sieck actually designed the Model 3200 chair. That information comes from a couple auction listings I've seen online. I saw the same chairs auctioned as Arne Jacobsen last year at Dorotheum in Germany -- but they don't really look like a Jacobsen design to me.

mongoose civique
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11/06/2010 9:21 pm  

Don't know anything about...
Don't know anything about them but they are lovely -- remind me a bit of the Poul Kjaerholm PK 11.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 318
12/06/2010 4:47 am  

Thanks -- they actually...
Thanks! They actually reminded me a little of the Wegner 701 chair:


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