Design Addict


Advice needed  


James Collins
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Posts: 547
30/11/2006 9:32 pm  

There seems to be an abundance of good taste on this forum so I'm going to risk what's left of my fragile ego and ask for a little constructive feedback. I've lived in my home for close to 20 years and it's the only place I've ever really "decorated". I thought a bit naively that I had pretty good taste but frankly the reactions I get from visitors now that it's finished (after 15 years) range from amused to appalled. The typical reaction is "what a lovely view" and they make a beeline for the bar. While I firmly believe ones home should appeals firstly to one self, I'm not above needing a bit of positive reinforcement. So I would genuinely appreciate some honest critiques of what I have done wrong to appeal to a slightly wider audience than just myself. Is it the colors? The furniture? The upholstery choices? Is it salvagable? Or do I just sell everything and hire a pro to start from scratch?

I design software so this is not my area but I naively allways thought I had pretty good taste. This has shaken my self confidence. What is it, garish? Kitschy? Passe? Please be honest (gently) as I want to learn something before I attempt anything new here. Follow the link below on Apartment Therapy. Thanks.

Illustrious Member
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01/12/2006 2:15 am  

James, Your home photographs ...
James, Your home photographs as well as anything I've seen in any design tabloid. Very cool space!

Noble Member
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01/12/2006 7:44 pm  

i must admit, your house is not my 'piece of cake' but it is very well done! very warm and cosy kind of artdeco-50's style. nice. i do not know where you live but it reminds me a bit of an old hollywood movie, maybe it is just a bit too crowded but it could be a decor for a glamorous hollywood movie and i can imagine that marilyn monroe is sitting in one of these chairs. for a non-pro; very well done. and oja, having style (or not) has nothing to do with the degree, job, function, wealth that you have...(i known some really professional designers, who graduated as a designer but that design such ugly out of proportion stuff!) it's better to be a it-designer with style than a product designer without taste.

Noble Member
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Posts: 294
02/12/2006 1:14 pm  

No Advice Needed
James wrote:
> ...frankly the reactions I get from visitors now
> that it's finished (after 15 years) range from
> amused to appalled...
On the ApartmentTherapy site James wrote:
> What Friends Say about my home: Cool.
Um, I don't get the contradiction, but I have a feeling you may have been being a little coy for the DesignAddict crowd which can have a much higher snob factor than ApartmentTherapy (hence the suck-up opening line).
Your home looks very nice. I think you know that... and that's OK too. You've done a lot of work, and it has paid off.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
02/12/2006 9:23 pm  

Actually I lied on Apt therapy
Just one friend said 'cool' and he wanted some free pot. I think on the whole it's a bit 1940 hollywood for modern tastes but it suits me.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
02/12/2006 10:01 pm nailed it
nicely done but not most peoples taste.
I guess I allways wanted to be a beautiful young actress.

Noble Member
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Posts: 294
02/12/2006 10:09 pm  

Don't know if I buy what you're selling, but...
... it's a great looking place. Not everything there is "my thing", but it shouldn't be, it's not my place. For what you were stiving for, you did an excellent job.
Yes, very Hollywood.
It sure got rave reviews over at ApartmentTherapy.
I guess the question(s) then are:
A.) What do your friends do for a living?
B.) What do their homes look like?

Robert Leach
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02/12/2006 10:31 pm  

Putting aside.......
What I actually think this thread is about.......
Who cares about 'most people's taste' ?
Its not a drive-in burger joint, or an airport terminal....
Anyway..isn't it time for your close- up ?

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
03/12/2006 12:06 am  

I'm vain and shallow
most AP house tours get about 40 - 50 raves in the two days they are on the front page. I got 10, they don't allow critical comments any more as they need the content and don't want contributors scared off.
But enough about my vanity, look at this cool chair. I got 2 in fire engine red for the patio. The most comfortable and sexy plastic chair I've seen. If anyone is looking for some really high quality patio furniture:

James Collins
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James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
03/12/2006 12:10 am  

I wish I could edit these things!
Segis Poppystar

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
03/12/2006 12:13 am  

Sexy Chair
and good to hear fire engines are red there too 😉


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