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31/01/2007 4:43 am  

Hello, i am a new business and only have an online store at this time. I design coffee table (tops) with unique pieces of leather and interesting decorative tacks.
I wanted everyone to visit my site and give me an HONEST opinion of what I can do to improve my business. I think people hesitate when buying rare pieces online. I also would like advice on marketing my site as well as my unique collection. I tried Google adwords, and was not pleased. I recently bought an ad in a Home n Design Mag. here in Vegas, 2 mth ad...still waiting for the results on that. Any help on improving my business marketing or site would be helpful. thank you.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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31/01/2007 6:56 am  

To be honest, this is not a...
To be honest, this is not a marketing site. It's a modern design site. I don't know where to point you, sorry, but this isn't the place. Furthermore, some here may have an idea as where to market modernist designs, but your designs really don't fall into that aesthetic. Good luck.

Noble Member
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31/01/2007 11:24 am  

these pieces of furniture is indeed not really to be called 'modern design' but sure that there is a market for it. My advice would be to put the prices from 1500 to 15000$. you should figure out who your customers would be; these tables are so 'special' that the common man would not buy it. rich people who can afford it and want to be different they'll buy it! although in the opinion of most here on this forum it are not really attractive pieces. i am still convinced that the richer man gets, the poorer his taste become. Don't get me wrong; les gouts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas. find out which magazines the rich texans or hollywoodpeople buy, put an ad in there, do not mentioned they are made in indonesia (just 'handcrafted') and good luck. and from time to time come and see on this forum and site and maybe a new world will open for you...

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 12:55 pm  

I sort of agree..
with you about maybe putting the prices up to denote how "special" the finish of the work is supposed to be,(each to his/her own). I totally disagree with you re. your "richer equals poor taste"idea. its just not true!.I know and meet lots of "rich" or affluent people in my business and to be honest not a lot of less well off types and i think that taste has nothing whatsoever to do with income.Anybody can admire good design and beautiful pieces rich or poor,but of course it takes money to buy them, for the most part,I personally dont like these custom made tables at all,but thats just my opinion,or is that my bad taste because i am well "rich".Try an ad. with designaddict Jennifer,but dont get rich honey!!.

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 6:36 pm  

I know this thread was not...
I know this thread was not aimed to start a debate, but I will say that I concur with vivienne. Income has nothing to do with taste. It certainly has something to do with your environment, which in turn, affect taste just as it affects everything in your life. My parents were/are well-off enough, but certainly not rich. I grew up in a podunk country town with cow pastures across the street from my house. How is it that my tastes have ended up loving the likes of Kjærholm, Girard, etc. in design and The Flaming Lips and Os Mutantes in music? I think we each have our own tendencies regardless of "who" we are. Unfortunately some of us are never exposed to "good."
Anyway, I will give this thread back. Please answer the original question if you will!

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 7:01 pm  

There's a film ... hmmm, I...
There's a film ... hmmm, I can't remember what it's called but someone in it says "my mother always said, that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".
So I won't.

Noble Member
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31/01/2007 7:27 pm  

my apologies
to the rich who do have taste. this was not a statement but i rather wanted to help jennifer; i am still convinced that her furniture will sell better if the prices are raised. the common man wants common stuff not these 'special' kind of furniture nor a barcelona chair or whatsoever. yes surely taste is something that you gaine by education, environment, etc.. (after taking for years a friend, who had no taste or knowledge of design, to exhibitions and designmusea he now bought, for his new house, only designfurniture). But what if the barcelona chair, noguchi table, ... would be sold at a more normal price (this is productioncost + logistics cost + normal benefit), let's half of what the price is now; would there be so much fuzz about them?

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 8:12 pm  


azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 8:23 pm  

tacks,I really like the sound of it...a parsons table,distressed oak with a top covered with them...I think there IS a market for your look ... IN the southwest contact interior a custom piece for a room in a charity showcase house.

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2007 11:17 pm  

Ha Ha...
"The common man wants common stuff"?..Do you really believe this stereotype gerrit ?. Either you are very naive or just trying to wind everyone up with 18th century opinions.However!! i always say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion so thats that. Jennifer,put your price up honey as it will help you sell more tables to rich people with no taste! ha ha, you guys!.

Noble Member
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31/01/2007 11:46 pm  

it is
'politically' not correct to believe in stereotypes but i do. off course there are exceptions but stereotypes is what the world does go round; in ergonomics, in marketing, in sales, in movies (the guy in black is the bad one!) etc. lets look at it as 'people' were divided into a Gauss-curve were 68% is within 'normality'; stereotypes are correct for 68%... lots of products are specially designed for this group (eg volkswagen; name says it all; "car for the people") but that doesn't mean that they do not dream of something that they perceive as better (eg porsche) or that they do not buy something to 'socially emigrate' (they can afford a volkswagen b ut they buy an audi). wow what a discussion, and that was not my purpose; but you should consider this; if you as anglosaxans put so much value in some words that were not meant to be as hard as you take them; i am not an englishspeaking person and in the small fast forumtext it can be that some emotions in words can be turned the wrong side. next time i'll post in flemish in the exact words and meanings that i ment.

Illustrious Member
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01/02/2007 12:41 am  

Sorry Gerrit,i just didnt think of the language thing, my fault. I think i know what you mean now,percieved stereotypes and all that. To get back to Jennifers question though, i think it comes down to whether people think they are good enough to buy or not, free choice,you can lead an old lush to a bottle of vodka but you cant make her drink (she will though). Good luck Jennifer and make a million honey!.

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01/02/2007 1:18 am  

Thanks to the few who did...
Thanks to the few who did actually try to help. I've had no problem with people liking my tables, and NO, they aren't for everyone. Then again, neither is any other product for everyone. This all comes down to taste....and i was never stating these tables were modernistic. Infact i describe them as a little of both modern and antique...whatever you want to call that. I was just looking for marketing ideas etc. Not really asking if you like the tables...i KNOW there is a market, as ive been discovering so far. Its just a matter of time, till they all see it. thanks.

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01/02/2007 1:25 am  

not sure about most of the...
not sure about most of the other things you said. But i do agree about removing tables made in indonesia...will do that today thanks!
As for raising the price , do u really think that would be a wise move?
Personally at $1400 a table, i didnt think the average man would afford that. BUT i will think of a price increase...we'll see.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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01/02/2007 2:25 am  

Nice one Jennifer.I consider myself told!!. You know the market honey you go get it!. Good luck.Oh by the way,you have to get used to taking criticism as well as praise and adulation in this business.

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