The original source, fully...
The original source, fully presented as a flash book:
Context and Background:
Understanding what these are, what they represent, when they were made, the land they are in, and what happened here before and after they were built, I'm not sure what I feel but I don't think its 'love'.
VERY powerful images. Bold.....
VERY powerful images. Bold...and such intense, and some cases cataclysmic, energy yet a graceful beauty despite. It may not be love, but does anyone else feel they directly imply peace, strength and unity regardless of the commentary in Expos links saying they are devoid of any symbolic meaning.. These themes are a language that all political interest can relate with.
Constructivism, and Futurism, have a place in the background here, I guess. These monuments may be the spiritual (?) offspring of Tatlin's famous tower ?
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