Hi all,
Hoping someone might be able to help me identify this one.
I've seen the exact chair identified as Arne Hovmand Olsen, but have not been able to confirm this through the index or other sources. I've also seen it attributed to Carl Edward Matthes. Specifically model 33. It is very close in design, however, there are slight differences...including no brass bars attaching the wood back to the chair back...
Upholsterer said she vaguely remembers seeing a "Finland" tag/sticker... No picture was taken and then it was sealed up. Not sure it is Finnish... She may have been mistaken by something else...
Please let me know if you've seen it before..
Thanks!!<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/LF3lBJnv-8yY69IB2NpOyi
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