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Trying to ID a 60s ...

Trying to ID a 60s coffee table in the style of F. Knoll and G. frydman  


Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 8
04/12/2018 7:47 pm  

Hi there,

I recently aquired a coffee table that reminds me of Florence Knoll and George's Frydman.

150 x 53 cm, height is 52 cm.

Seems to be dated at 15 - 4 - 61, and item number 13005

Dating with day before month seems to exclude a production in an English speaking country.

The table was found in Germany. I am aware that Walter Wirz designed very similar tables but the marking seems to be different than the Wilhelm Renz I've runned into.

Any hint would be much appreciated.
mvimg20181204182125.jpgimg20181204182215.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2308
04/12/2018 9:02 pm  

USA? Walnut veneer? Black plastic "feet" inserts? If so, possibly Drexel.

Although later Drexel pieces typically had mfr/date codes stenciled on the bottoms rather than stamped, it looks a lot like the table from a set I had that came out of an office waiting room.

Edit: Oops, should've actually read the post prior to responding. Carry on!

Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 8
04/12/2018 9:16 pm  

Thank you for your suggestion,

Yes, it has plastic caps, but that's what most tables in this style have. The dating seems very unlikely for a manufacturer from the USA, but I will look into it. Thanks!


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