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Retro Cabinet, Can ...

Retro Cabinet, Can anyone identifiy where it came from or who designed it. Real or Copy  


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Posts: 1
18/02/2018 6:15 am  

Hi All, I am from Australia

A few years ago, I purchase this cabinet from an old lady. She had said her lifelong friend had given it to her and she had bought it with her from Denmark? As I knew nothing (and still don't) about furniture I liked it so bought it. I thought all Retro furniture came from Sweden

This piece is 2500mm long and is VERY heavy, two of us had a hard time lifting it. It smells very old. The top has old leather on it but looking at the grain in the 8th pic (which is upside down)

Each door completely slides out and is totally separate. There are 6 doors in total. (as in the video)

The legs are all timber, originally painted black.

We are going to re veneer this piece and may take the leather look top off.

Any help would be appreciated. I have googled and pintrerest it and can't find anything HELP

Kind Regards Julie

Apologies for the links but I couldn't upload pictures for some reason 🙂
retro1.jpgretro2.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="


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