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Puzzling Mart Stam ...

Puzzling Mart Stam chairs S43f ?  


Century Soup
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17/10/2023 10:03 pm  

I found these Mart Stam S43f chairs only the caps are not in chrome but plastic...

They do have age and the shapes fit like they do have the indented seats underneath the fabric, I found some attributing them by Thonet for Robert Slézak. 

Or maybe possibly licensed to a local company here in Belgium?

All knowledge welcome! 🙂


This topic was modified 9 months ago by Century Soup

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27/10/2023 4:41 pm  

With no pics not much we can do. If it has plastic caps, then its not Thonet, I can tell you that 100%.  That would be a pretty definative sign that these are one of the many, many low end knockoffs of Bauhaus designs. That model in particular is likely one of the most knocked off designs in history. 


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