Design Addict


Mystery Pair of Cha...

Mystery Pair of Chairs  


Estimable Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 86
14/02/2021 12:34 am  

Picked these up today. I originally thought they might be some older American made chair (I am in the US) that I had simply not seen before. However after purchasing them I noticed a few things, the straps (ignore the horrible stapled ones) or rather strap slots like that are not typical in American pieces, then a more careful look at the construction also not typical for the US and finally what I had first thought was faded walnut appears now to me that they are actually teak. So now I am thinking Danish or Swedish?? There are no markings on them and there are some unfortunate newer repairs on one. So any thoughts, ideas or suggestions appreciated.


This topic was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Raijin

Illustrious Member
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15/02/2021 6:19 pm  

I've seen this design line pop up a few times over the years, including one in person back in 2013. There are distinct features that seem to be incorporated into various designs, including shaped feet, shaped stretchers, wide seat rails which oddly bi-sect the verticals into above and below, and armrest returns that go out of their way to not align with the front legs.

To my eye, it is a very disjointed assembly of design motifs. Based on style, construction, location of found examples, and wood type (not teak), I believe they are US-made. I have not seen a marked example yet.


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Posts: 86
18/02/2021 9:01 am  

Thanks for the input, someone else suggested Parker Knoll but in looking at their examples, while there was some similarity in the shorted arms that do not go the length of the base, they were put together differently enough that I do not think it is them. It is like some red haired step child of Parker Knoll and Vladimir Kagen that tries too much to achieve too little. In any case I will fix them up and put them back into the world as interesting if unusual pieces from a former age.

Famed Member
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20/02/2021 10:08 pm  

Would be interesting to see the result when you finish them...


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