And going back to the language thing. German and French, 18 years after then end of war, were not just any two brotherly languages. One of them invaded and occupied the other, and then vice versa, while it was demonstrated that atrocities such as the holocaust were happening in Germany. So was a Frenchman going to print up delivery tags in German and use fancy German abbreviations? No. Definitely not. Definitely not.
Such nonsense can only be written by someone who comes from the deepest American province and has no idea of post-war European history. (Apologies to all american well-educated members here). Already 1957 the EEC was founded, an economic community of France, Italy, Belgium, Netherland, Luxembourg and West Germany, and it was common practice, that delivery labels from all members were used in all member states. And not a single French company has refused to use labels in German, not even with "fancy German abbreviations". Economic thinking had priority if the companies weren't totally stupid.
Dear Mr. Renner, please consider this as short lesson for your further education. Needless to say free of charge.
well aaronny not only can your remark versus Leiff considered to be a atrocity it also shows you dont follow this forum for a long time or lack insight or empathy Beside the EEG was not a community but a trade agreement
visiting france for 54 years i know there are still anti German resentments and also not many french use other languages easily so the likely hood a french shop or producer would use a German label in that time is quite slim
You know, there is a difference whether you are a young man like Zephyr who is fascinated by MCM and has millions of catalogs at home, or whether you grew up with this furniture like I did and not just have a theoretical relationship with it, but also an emotional, an experienced relationship. Zephyr likes to say that you have to look at everything in historical context, but he can only talk about it in a theoretical way, because he lacks the historical context of personal experience, he's not "at home" in making design himself, and that's why he sometimes is saying things that - well - don't always have to be taken for serious. He is young, he is still learning, and when you are young and fascinated by something, then you often make the mistake of being too quick to judge even though you lack the experience. But you should forgive him his behavior, generally he is very helpful for those people who have no idea at all. And that's what the forum is for.
@mvc I am curious to hear about your growing up with furniture. Tell me more. (if you’d rather not do so here, I am guessing you know how to find me by email or Instagram).
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