Design Addict


'Johannes Andersen'...

'Johannes Andersen' Rosewood Sideboard  


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21/12/2018 4:43 pm  

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22/12/2018 9:36 pm  

Hi Josh,

I found a similar sideboard for sale, which is a longer version of yours.

The seller says it is by Jens Aerthoj and manufactured by Aerthoj Jensen + Molholm.

I fired off a quick e-mail to the seller enquiring about what documentation he had for his attribution;

His reply was a bit vague to be perfectly honest, ie; no label of maker remaining but some adhesive residue left and a "control" badge; he doesn't say what control badge!! Also a mention of having seen some marketing advert "floating about" years ago...etc. Very frustrating indeed!

Image of sideboard below.

Maybe someone more knowledgeable on the forum could weigh in.( My expertise extends to doing a Google image search and seeing where that takes me!)



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Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
23/12/2018 1:16 am  

I recognise this photo from IG! Nice to see you here!

Aerthoj Jensen + Molholm is I believe what Bo Concept started out as. I think I saw a video on their website about that. I'll have a little dig about, but I have to say I know some designs they put out and I don't think this is one of them.

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08/01/2019 8:10 pm  

Came across another sideboard, same as the OP's.( 1st image) It is being sold as a Johannes Andersen for J. Skaaning & son. I made contact with dealer and they have made this attribution based on a sideboard/highboard in the Danish Desigm Museum site. ( link below) which I must say does have very similar pulls, legs etc No labels or markings on the piece currently for sale.They say they acquired it from original owner , who purchased it from a Scandinavian furniture store,in London, in the 60's

Johannes Andersen also designed the SK661 dry bar for Skaaning & son. ( well documented).

So this begs the question; Is this sideboard

1: made by J.Skaaning & son and designed by

a:-Unknown designer?

b: Johannes Andersen?


2: none of the above!

Perhaps a more knowledgeable member could weigh in here?



ps; image of Skaaning mark below and as you can see it is not very "permanent"

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leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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09/01/2019 4:32 am  

If the information on the Danish Furniture Index is accurate then I would say it is indeed a Johannes Andersen for J. Skaaning design.


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