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ID for rosewood ped...

ID for rosewood pedestal dining table  


Black and Teak
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24/10/2018 9:14 pm  

Here I am trucking along refinishing a table I though was Erik Buch for CJ Rosengaarden, CJR stamp on the metal table support, internet images of said table listed as Buch. When today in good day light, I take off one of the pedestal legs to see the Vejle Stole stamp on the table bottom. Now I am all confused. I can't find any listings for this table in a cursory search, no Danish furniture index results.

So wise sages of Design Addict, does anyone know who made this table? Photos attached.

Black and Teak
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24/10/2018 9:25 pm  

More photos. Also, can I just say the colour difference after restoration is amazing.

Black and Teak
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24/10/2018 9:28 pm  

Oy veh. Photos. Here. Attempt 2.

Illustrious Member
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24/10/2018 10:16 pm  

First time I hear about CJ Rosengaarden but Vejle Stolefabrik is a well known maker.

My guess is that CJR is just the maker of the metal mechanism. The table is a Vejle one.

Illustrious Member
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24/10/2018 10:28 pm  

And that is the beauty of attributions:

CJ Rosengaarden is actually a designer that not only made tables for Vejle but also for the Finnish Asko. Nice!

Black and Teak
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24/10/2018 11:48 pm  


We get a lot of Kjaernulf dining tables up for resale in Toronto, but I've never seen anything like this one. And I did read that CJR metal frames grace many different tables by different designers. I wonder if there's anyway to distinguish via mark which tables are designed by him vs metal components only.

Kyle Barrett
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25/10/2018 3:41 am  

Isn't it also possible this is a Frankenstein job? Where some legs were mixed up and accidently put on the incorrect table top at a retailers (after import)?

Black and Teak
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25/10/2018 3:57 am  

The table top has the VS and the affixed CJR sliders. So nope. No markings on the legs themselves. But I like your skepticism!


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