I'm totally stumped on IDing this big ole burl wardrobe-- thanks so much for taking a look at this for me. There are no stamps inside the wardrobe, but a stamp that said 1977 on the bottom. It has two larger doors with burl-covered drawers, and two drawers on the bottom. There is a strip of black glossy veneer along the bottom. It measures 42" wide, 20" deep, and 58" tall.
I talked with Thayer Coggin, and it's not one of theirs. It also doesn't appear to be Lane. Any ideas on how to ID this dude? A value estimate would also be super appreciated.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/CxK9ChnzsU7URm9J1Xyt
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