Design Addict


IB Kofod-Larsen

IB Kofod-Larsen  


HangarOne Design
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Posts: 6
11/03/2017 4:33 pm  

Hi all, I refurbished this chair (new cushions, new fabric, webbing) and read on several threads that it is an early Kofod-Larsen. I'm wondering if anyone has any information to help me confirm. It does not have the selig mark, however does have Made in Denmark in the front bottom of the chair. It also has uses the dowels to secure the elastic webbing. Many thanks.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2057
11/03/2017 7:09 pm  

Could you post a lot more photos of the chair including close ups of the underside, joints, back, and all markings? Does the chair have hidden keyhole joints for flat pack disassembly?

I have not seen this chair before. There are some detail similarities to K-L designs for Selig, but also a lot of differences, including the side stretchers notched to support extensions of the bottom rail of the backrest. It could be a non-Selig K-L design for the manufacturer of many Selig chairs, or it could be an in-house design from that manufacturer in the style of K-L.

Edit: I should also add that the chair may also have nothing to do with either K-L or Selig. However, K-L did design a lot of furniture for a lot of different manufacturers. So I would put this inquiry into the "possible" category, as opposed to most Wegner or Juhl inquires, which tend to fall in the "highly unlikely" or "hell no" categories.

HangarOne Design
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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 6
12/03/2017 3:31 pm  

Thank you, I have posted additional pictures to help with the sleuthing. Please disregard the loose webbing, this is when I was working out what I would use with the dowels (I've used clips in the past but never dowels.). In answer to your question, yes the piece can fold completely flat. There is a hidden flat head screw on the inside arm/back rest that connects these two. The other joints are are all dowel pins (seat to leg support, chair seat and chair back). Additional pictures attached.


HangarOne Design
Active Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 6
13/03/2017 4:42 am  

Apologies, pics didn't go through.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
13/03/2017 3:19 pm  

The forum owners explained in another thread that the photo link is currently working only with the first post of photos in a new thread; any photos posted in replies are not showing up. This happened when they switched servers a couple of weeks ago and they said their developer is working to fix it. We just have to sit tight until it's functioning again!


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