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Help IDing sofa?

Help IDing sofa?  


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31/10/2017 12:15 am  

I just spotted this on CL and it looks Danish, but I don

Illustrious Member
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31/10/2017 12:41 am  

I would say it looks more American to me. In any case, you are going to need better pictures if you want to try and identify it. close up of wood, cushions off, underside, etc.

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31/10/2017 12:53 am  

Thanks for the response @Zephyr I figured as much. I spotted it on CL and those were the only two photos posted unfortunately. I thought the legs looked...not danish also 🙂

Illustrious Member
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31/10/2017 2:08 pm  

I am far from an expert, but I have looked at a lot of Danish furniture over that last few years, and the form just does not look right to me. I could certainly be wrong, and if the price is right, then it still might be worth picking up.....but if they are asking $400, I would pass. I would probably pass on anything over 150 actually, but I do a lot of furniture seeking, and regularly find pieces nicer than this for pretty cheap.

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31/10/2017 2:42 pm  

Yes @Zephyr budding picker here, I appreciate that this resource exists! 🙂 this was offered for 50.

Illustrious Member
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31/10/2017 3:20 pm  

I wouldn't buy it even for $50 based on those two photos. It looks like an American company's offering that was meant to ease shoppers with traditional tastes into a more Danish Modern look. I think part of it is the wood finish, though---I have seen a lot of maple furniture from the 50s and 60s in that dark reddish-orangish-brownish color. It's not that different from the color of teak but combined with the kind of clunky arms and the slightly turned legs--nah. Though I might ask for a photo of how the webbing is done and what the bare back looks like before I decide for sure.

If you want to get into this genre of furniture, start looking at photos of the good stuff so that you get the look ingrained in your mind. Then it's easier to spot the wannabe stuff, even from less than great photos. (It also gets easier to spot hidden gems!)

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31/10/2017 3:30 pm  

Thanks @spanky! Yeah, I purchased a Peter Hvidt daybed for $750 (maybe payed to much, I just loved it). The lines are totally different, so elegant and clean.


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