@thomasp. Hong Stolefabrik. Model 48.
Posting image from Anton Dam catalogue 1962.
Link to thread on Hong Stolefabrik on this Forum.

Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained
@mark737. SNAP.. 😆
I took too long to locate the image from my files !!
Interesting that the thread link has two different "post" numbers.
Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained
@lexi I saw you were viewing the thread too so I held off on responding. But then you went away for a long time - had to be at least 10 minutes - so like a crack-addicted lab rat, I just had to hit that blue button.
@mark737. SNAP.. 😆
I took too long to locate the image from my files !!
Interesting that the thread link has two different "post" numbers.
Very dull to point this out, but Mark linked to Herringbone's post which is the 8th (or 9th if you count the first) post of the thread, hence the 173678, instead of 173670.
But I just feel the need to solve a mystery because I missed the identification by miles...
@kyle-barrett Thanks, I was wondering why those numbers were different. I had remembered the thread about Hong and Kirkegaard and entered those names in the search, and Herringbone's post was the first result returned from that thread.
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