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Any weight behind t...

Any weight behind the Kai Kristiansen/Korup Stolefabrik attributions?  

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Kyle Barrett
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13/11/2017 5:34 pm  

Kyle Barrett
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16/11/2017 12:49 am  

So, here's some better pictures. Some nice rosewood grain (not d.nigra, but no worries). I got 6 of these, and they are really nicely made in fairness, just really not sure on the Kristiansen attributions.

Anyone have any insight about Korup or the people who designed for then? Anders Inhouse?

Kyle Barrett
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16/11/2017 1:00 am  

Hmm, images were too big. Let's try again:

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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16/11/2017 5:39 am  

I can

Kyle Barrett
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16/11/2017 12:29 pm  

The figuring is never tightly packed enough at any point to look it on a more facile level and the pores are too fine and plentiful for it. I'll post some closeups to show you why I think this - finally got a new decent camera phone so should be good for it!

Anyhow, I am not fussed about the wood either way, I just see these chairs attributed to Kristiansen everywhere and realised I'd never once seen it legitimised in any fashion.

They're very comfy though.

Kyle Barrett
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16/11/2017 12:46 pm  

First batch

Kyle Barrett
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16/11/2017 12:48 pm  

Second batch

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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16/11/2017 2:29 pm  

Rosewoods can be very hard to tell apart, so with only photos to go on I will take your word for it. It is great that you put in the time to learn the differences.

And you are always right to doubt any design credit floating around the internet for which you have never seen proof. It is extremely easy for one small time dealer to have decided they look like Kai Kristiansen and advertise them as such, and then everyone follows along, until you hit the point where everyone says it so it must be true. And sometimes it is and sometimes it is not.

Danish teak pieces can be very hard to attribute based on design appearance alone.

Kyle Barrett
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17/11/2017 3:22 am  

Thanks Leif, yes well I feel I've had enough rosewood now to tell Dalbergia Nigra apart from other species of rosewood fairly confidently. And sometimes I can tell the 'other species' apart too. When I say 'other species of rosewood' of course I mean the classification-versatile and amorphous East Indian Rosewood, which appears to be any Dalbergia (or not, no need to be too precise) that was NOT grown in Brazil.

Suffice to say I couldn't tell you what rosewood it is. I could make a guess. But then I may as well just guess the designer too.

I still haven't found anything useful on the internet, I wish people would take pictures of stamps on their chairs when selling them. I'm yet to find ANY connection between Korup and a Kristiansen design. I know the Danish Furniture Index isn't exhaustive but you'd expect designs by him not to fly under the radar, right?

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/11/2017 4:00 am  

Lots of very obscure designers are quite well represented on the DFI, and plenty who are now very well known are not. It is mostly a function of which circles a designer travelled in and which of those circles the DFI has documentation on.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/11/2017 4:00 am  

Lots of very obscure designers are quite well represented on the DFI, and plenty who are now very well known are not. It is mostly a function of which circles a designer travelled in and which of those circles the DFI has documentation on.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/11/2017 4:06 am  

Also this chair happened at a time when the furniture business was falling apart. And it was not considered a high end chair. So documentation is going to be scarce regardless.

Kyle Barrett
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17/11/2017 4:33 am  

I had wondered about age too. You reckon it's a waste of time looking any further?

It's a shame on two levels, although I really am not a big fan of them visually, they are striking at least and it'd be nice to know a name behind it.

Secondly it'd be so nice to see those silly false attributions disappear when something legitimate about them exists.

Probably that moreso.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/11/2017 4:34 am  

Well they may be Kai Kristiansen. I don't know. I am just always skeptical until proven otherwise. These things can be right or wrong.

Kyle Barrett
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