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Wormley Chair (a fe...

Wormley Chair (a few questions)  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 52
06/07/2015 9:32 pm  

Can anyone help me ID this particular model? I've only seen "armchair" and would like a more definitive ID if it's out there.

This was a thrift find and there was a screw missing. The screw hole is stripped out and I wanted to hear recommendations for the repair on such a nice chair. Wood glue, matchsticks, etc...? There are also a couple of small holes on either side of the frame and I'm curious as to their intent.

I also wanted to ask about the finish. Along the edges of the arms you can see the lighter wood coming through. I'm not an expert with refinishing/staining and confused on whether this darker color is original to the chair? I've seen one other version and the wood was mahogany and much lighter (like what I'm seeing underneath).

Finally, I'd like to hear to fabric cleaning tips. I have used Folex in the past on a danish chair but didn't have much success with it to be honest. Any other idea for this particular fabric would be really helpful.

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