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Svend Madsen Solid ...

Svend Madsen Solid Desk Top?  

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30/09/2016 8:07 pm  

It is marked with the burned in logo under the drawer as you say (see photo). The legs had obviously been broken and reattached in a clumsy way when we got it (badly shored up where they attached to the desk with a block of wood) and were repaired by my husband. He removed the extra wood and reattached them in a more authentic way. I don't think it would help to send a photo of this but I can if you wish. Sending close up of leg (oops ignore trash can). Any info much appreciated. Thanks!

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/09/2016 8:13 pm  

Right. I don't think the legs are original to the desk but perhaps someone can persuade me otherwise...

New Member
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30/09/2016 8:13 pm  

forgot to say -desk is open in the back with bookshelf and has piece of wood that slides out towards the back-- seems pretty similar to other designs on-line except for the style of legs.
The legs seem very well made and of similar wood-- how do you know this is not a real design that perhaps didn't cut it because the legs seem kind of flimsy to hold up the weight of the desk? Is there any catalogue of his designs any place? What other legs would it have had? There are no marks on the outside of the desk to indicate outer supports--just curious!

Prominent Member
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01/10/2016 8:12 pm  

here is a pic

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