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Please help ID this...

Please help ID this sofa  

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22/01/2012 5:51 am  

(1 item)
Hello I'm hoping someone can help me. This sofa was purchased at auction around 15 to 20 years ago and then came into my possession I know it had a formal name but do not know what it is. Can anyone help me. I need to have it redone and need more information before I make any decisions on what to do I love the sofa but do not know if it is worth spending alot of money reupholstering it. I could not add photo here It can be seen at collectors weekly/furniture/sofa/ show and tell/victorianlove. To all the evil people with Nasty things to say about a few typo's get a life! You try typing on a little iPhone screen I did not misspell ID the phone changed it to that automatically I was only asking if any expert knew the name

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 6:00 am  

your link. Probably not a lot of Victorian expertise at this forum though.

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 6:22 am  

What --
it's not Ron Arad ?
I'd is a priceless spelling of ID . . .

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 6:55 am  

"Puttsofas" was pretty darn good, too, SDR.

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 9:26 am  

What IS that . . . ?
All this divan needs is some Marimekko and it's good to go. (Marimekko on horsehair -- what a concept.)

Noble Member
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22/01/2012 9:45 am  

should this be in this thread?
or in this - The last thing that made you say WTF? Part I ?

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 9:56 am  

I think most people who contr...
I think most people who contribute to this forum will think it's a hideous sofa. I do. But if you really love it, probably that's reason enough to have it reupholstered.

Trusted Member
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22/01/2012 10:17 am  

wtf it looks like my uncle...
wtf it looks like my uncle earl's flannel shirts....he drinks a 12 pack a day...but seriously what an ugly couch. I personally wouldn't even put it on my porch but i might consider donating it to a nice fraternity. In My Opinion

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 5:14 pm  

I don't think it's even that ...
I don't think it's even that old. I'm pretty sure Victorian sofas don't have gigantic rolled arms like that, or those cover panels on the fronts of the arms. The arms are nearly as big as the back of the sofa.
Also, that tufting...on the arms? And all the way up the back? And on the seat? The back looks like it was covered with a sheet of pre-tufted fabric, not tufted with any thought to the shape of the back.
It would look good reupholstered properly and surrounded by a bunch of numbered mahogany furniture.

Illustrious Member
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22/01/2012 5:31 pm  

It looks
Good for surfing.

Trusted Member
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23/01/2012 1:34 am  

spanky i believe you are...
spanky i believe you are right...I have never seen a victorian couch with that much tufting. I have also never seen a victorian couch with arms that big. I also recall most victorian couches have more wood work to them where as yours only has some what look like cheap and not very ornate legs which look like they might just twist on like new couches legs.
You have to remember that if this couch is actually old it would have been made with much better craftsmenship. These couches typically have very ornate wood working to them and just appear to be over the top with detail. your couch looks like it could be a character in a disney movie...
Below is a google search of victorian couches and if you look not a single one of them have tuft arms or that little wood working...i would take that as a sure sign that your couch is not of the same vintage and might be from the 1960's-1980's.

Illustrious Member
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23/01/2012 3:30 am  

Sofa, thy name is Hideous
VL is debating whether reupholstering her old sofa is worth the expense. To answer this, she weighs two values against the cost: (1) her perplexing love of the sofa, and (2) its suspected provenance. Upon learning that the sofa has no provenance, the only remaining value is her love for it. But does her love outweigh the cost--and is her love actually diminished upon learning that the sofa has no provenance? Had she learned that the sofa was the creation of a famous designer, would her love have increased?
If provenance has no effect on VL's love, then what, I wonder, determines her love for the sofa? Perhaps it is comfortable. Perhaps VL is a vampire. Perhaps it is something I know not what.
Curiouser and curiouser...

Illustrious Member
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24/01/2012 9:18 am  

I won't mention the sofa's...
I won't mention the sofa's name here, and run the risk of starting a new Mahogany-style thread. Many claims on the web that this style of sofa goes back to the 18th century, and was common in the 19th century, but I could find no period photos or paintings showing one.

Illustrious Member
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24/01/2012 9:39 am  

You must have a really big cat
Try untacking the upholstery under the arm on the flattish panel, its possible its plywood and that will help, also do the lighter test on any stuffing to see if youv'e got some acrylic in there. Also check the feet for peeling yellow nitro cellulose lacquer and go over it carefully looking for staples.
Theres a good chance it's late 20's or 30's, but I'm no antiques expert.
I like proper Chesterfields but that still looks good for reading on.

Illustrious Member
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24/01/2012 6:04 pm  

I think it's pretty new. That auction site says in two places that it's late 20th century and here's a new one, though probably cheaper quality, currently offered by a popular manufacturer:

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