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LCM generations

LCM generations  


Kyle James
Trusted Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 44
16/03/2015 2:45 am  

Im positive theres a thread for this subject, but taking a shot. I am pretty good at identifying the age of LCWs and LCMs but sometimes they throw me off. I picked this one up today at a local antiques store and thought it looked first gen. As usual there was no sticker on it or label. Based of Modern Consciences Diagram I was able to look at the back rest shock mounts and screws to get an idea of models.So my question is simple would anyone be able to tell from the base or wood? I ask this because these chairs are notorious for loosing feet and having hardware changed frequently. My assumption is that this specific chair is 1st gen herman miller. Its clearly not an Evans chair and the screws appear different on other chairs 2nd and 3rd gen LCMs.Also what dates where the first Herman Miller Gen 1s produced? If anyone knows Id greatly appreciate it!(the back of the chair is currently being reglued with brand new shockmounts from the UK. and dont mind the half naked eames 670/671, currently redoing the little cracks in the leather.)Thanks!
<img class="wpforo-default

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
19/03/2015 9:59 pm  

I believe the dimpled shock mounts suggest production dates of 53-54 and the boot glides were used between 54 and 57. I stand to be corrected. 

Kyle James
Trusted Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 44
21/03/2015 4:27 am  

thank you kin1117, although I wish it was an Evans...Im happy. Only payed 250$ for it which isnt terrible. The older ones are extremely hard to find here in Boston.


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