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Is this a Jens Riso...

Is this a Jens Risom Design Executive Desk?  


andrew a
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28/08/2013 5:50 pm  

Hello I am hoping the forum might be able to help me. I reside in Australia and own a lovely desk made by William Latchford & Sons. I have listed a few photos to assist. I understand that William Latchford & Sons owned the licencing rights for Jens Risom (amongst other major designers) here in Australia and I recall reading that they may have ceased business in the mid '1970's. I have searched Australian records and can find little information. There are also very few (if any desks) that I can find that were designed by Jens Risom that appear to be available on the Australian market. Any assistance that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" |

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20/06/2015 5:00 am  

Hi Andrew A, I'm interested as to whether you ever identified the above desk? I recently acquired a double pedestal version manufacturer by William Latchford & Sons.  I'm told the desk was that of the original founder of a financial industry company, circa early 80's, but the desk could easily predate that.
Emailed a number of mid century dealers, all had not seen this before, one however wrote back with news their colleague  "confirms it's a Risom".
The uncertainty I have relates to the label, which mentions Formplan at the top right in the area typically for the designer.
Any written notes on the label seem to have faded to nothing.
I've not been able to find much on Formplan, other than the reference in this bio article on Kjell Grant.
As a comparison example, I found this Risom chair listed for sale (by the same manufacturer). Note the differences in label, but also the similar features compared to the desk in the ad.
Any thoughts or experience you could share on the above would be greatly appreciated.

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20/06/2015 5:16 am  

A couple more shots from during its restoration. (Seems it was originally finished with a nitrocellulose lacquer as it was able to be stripped with metholayted spirits)

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23/08/2015 5:38 pm  

Well well, the past week has proven the world is a small place. Given the research I'd put in prior to posting here, I'd never thought I'd be returning with the 'solution'.
I'm able to confirm the designer of the above (double pedestal) desk, and therefore both designs is in fact Kjell Grant, hence the Formplan credit on the manufacturer's sticker.
I was surprised to discover through a dinner party conversation on the topic of chairs, that Kjell is the father of my brother-in-law's friend (& 'best man').
After passing on my images, confirmation has since been received from the man himself that the desk is indeed one of his.
Hope this attribution information can be of use to others.

andrew a
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01/08/2016 3:29 pm  

Hi D_G,
Thank you for posting this information.
I had well & truly given up after a few years of not having any replies to my post & my search may well be over.
One point of clarification please as I could no access the EBAY link to view the lable on the chair.
In your post above you mention "I'm able to confirm the designer of the above (double pedestal) desk, and therefore both designs is in fact Kjell Grant, hence the Formplan credit on the manufacturer's sticker"
"Both designs" - are you also referring to my desk as well?( as its manufacturers sticker does not have mention of Formplan )?
Thanking you so much.
cheers Andrew

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01/08/2016 9:58 pm  

By coincidence, I recently posted a photo of Risom in the Latchford factory under the Mid Century Chair Skeleton thread. Here it is again along with the article:


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