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Illustrious Member
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07/03/2016 4:49 pm  

Gonna have to trust you on the raised dots, tiroir. Your pic is of no help.
EH, how about them screws? I've never seen those before. Original? Assembled in Canada??

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07/03/2016 5:16 pm  

Here. I edited it a bit so you can see it better.

Illustrious Member
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07/03/2016 6:37 pm  

Sorry tktoo, I forgot to mention the screws.. I do not have an answer for the use of square-headed screws. (UNLESS…. the base was changed out at some point, and the screws are not original?) I bet someone around here has seen the square headed screws if they are original.
This whole chair has a lot of quirks indeed tiroir.
haha I DID see the dots on your first photo above though! (But I had to work hard to see em)
Thanks for the second round of dot confirmation photos.
I never mind seeing yet more evidence of every weird anomaly under the sun, as I simply keep cross referencing (OCD style) to help determine what is usual, and what is unusual, and what is tampering, etc. Yes sometimes it gets repetitious, but WTF….
Hope this helps tiroir.

Illustrious Member
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08/03/2016 12:25 am  

In the context used above by niceguy, "special treatment" is a euphemism that alludes to Nazi mass murder, specifically the use of Zyklon-B in the methodical extermination of humans.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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08/03/2016 5:35 am  

Niceguy: That is an incredibly offensive post wishing genocidal extermination on others. It is also clearly abusive, which is against the forum rules.

Illustrious Member
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08/03/2016 5:44 am  

You have a vivid imagination. I meant nothing of the sort. A touchy individual may require "kid glove" treatment. This is used as a metaphor for careful handling and does not mean you should be hit with glove made from goat skin. Please do not misdirect my comments with perverted mudslinging.
The reply to tiroir of Your straight man postscript attempt at humor confirms that you are "one of those people" makes me ponder who are "those people". tiroir received special help from Eameshead and questionable statements regarding his heritage from you.
It is never too late to seek professional treatment for delusional thoughts and statements. Too much History Channel for you.

Illustrious Member
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08/03/2016 6:01 am  

leif ericson,
I used an incorrect metaphor. Favoritism as in the practice of giving special treatment to a person or group ( I am grateful I am not from the UK asking for a smoke.
The British English definition of favoritism: If you accuse someone of favoritism, you disapprove of them because they unfairly help or favor one person or group much more than another. Used as a noun: She loved both the children. There was never a hint of favoritism.
Please do not "buy in" to objectworship's wild thoughts and accusations. Careful reading without the hysterical and incendiary mob mentality makes it clear I did not make the abusive statement you and objectworship allude to and I am not in violation of the forum rules.
There is more than one definition to many words and phrases in the English language. He ​accused the ​governor of giving ​rich ​people ​special treatment. I hope this means a tax break.

Estimable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 96
08/03/2016 1:58 pm  

I usually read the Forum around 5:30 in the AM. Threads like this really help get me goin. Thanks to all!

Illustrious Member
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08/03/2016 4:09 pm  

"It is never too late to seek professional treatment for delusional thoughts and statements."
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1366
08/03/2016 6:02 pm  

The way I see it, there are two kinds of being a total dickhead.
EDIT: I would hope to be the "good" kind of total dickhead. It's all in the tone. Sometimes tone gets misunderstood in print. Other times, it's crystal clear.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1184
09/03/2016 12:43 am  

Dear niceguy,
I notice that you substantially edited post #11, which I find simultaneously satisfying but also somewhat disappointing. I think we probably have similar personality types/characteristics but with more or less polar opposite political values, which creates an interesting sort of volatility. With your lack of emotional control and my lower emotional response, it is admittedly somewhat amusing to make relatively innocuous statements and watch you self destruct. It's important to remember however that self destructing (or not) is your own responsibility, which is why a little self-evaluation is a good thing, i.e. checking the mirror.
I am actually very interested in how mental illness and various personality traits may relate to collections and their perhaps compulsive acquisition, and how objects and interior environments can be manipulated to modify behavior or attitude. I have considered starting a thread about this; I suppose many threads indirectly involve this idea already.
Purely for explicit crystal f'n clarity, a brief explanation of terms I used above-
straight man.
[ˈstrāt ˌman]
1.the person in a comedy duo who speaks lines that give a comedian the opportunity to make jokes.
and "those people" as used above refers to outsiders (people who are NOT design enthusiasts) purely seeking a profit

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