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Børge Mogensen shel...

Børge Mogensen shell chair or not?  


Eminent Member
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15/06/2016 2:25 pm  

Just purchased these chairs believing them to be from Børge Mogensen. I haven't, however seen any reference to this particular model anywhere as being from B.M. The woodworking on the chair seems very similar to his other chairs, particularly the Søborg chair. Can anyone out there clarify?
Danish Mods.

Illustrious Member
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15/06/2016 7:13 pm  

Can you take a photo from the front at a lower angle? It's hard to tell from the current photos how much the legs slope inwards.
Also, are you familiar with the Danish Furniture Index:
A lot of useful information can be found here.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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15/06/2016 9:20 pm  

As cdsilva just said more photos would be nice. Mogensen did "interpret" the same basic design for more than one company in some cases. His work is well documented, especially on the Danish Furniture Index. So if it is a Mogensen, I expect it is on there. However he designed a LOT of chairs. The only company you should definitively rule out is Søborg Møbelfabrik, because it is not the model 155, which is also now known as the "Søborg Chair" as made by Fredericia.

Illustrious Member
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15/06/2016 10:17 pm  

One promising detail for Mogensen is the through-tenon joint for the front and back stretchers. Knockoff manufacturers would probably not bother with that.

Illustrious Member
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15/06/2016 10:22 pm  

then again, I'm assuming that those racetrack ovals are indeed the end grain face of the stretchers. Without seeing a closeup, I suppose they could be racetrack shaped plugs, which would be side grain, a la Randers Mobelfabrik detail.

Eminent Member
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15/06/2016 10:56 pm  

This is the reply I received from Søborg Møbler. The reference to the beech frame was about another chair, identical to the model 155, but with a beech frame.
Hello Mr.Gibson,
The picture seems to be a copy of the original chair or perhaps someone has made a new seat and back, we do not know.
We do not know for sure whether the chair was made with beechframe, it could be a copy or it could be a special custom made order many years ago.
Kind Regards,
Carsten Vagn Jacobsen


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