Design Addict


Morro Marc

Morro Marc

Born in Mallorca, Marc Morro stayed on this island until he turned 18 and moved to Barcelona to study industrial design.
Than he began working in Barcelona, at the Villar-Roses. Around the same time, he launched Surtido, a platform for young local industrial designers organizing workshops and all kinds of projects for creative minds to work together but independently. This sort of synergy merited the 2010 Premi Ciutat de Barcelona.
Once his days at the agency were over, all kinds of projects kept coming his way: he co-founded the Otrascosas de Villar-Roses design gallery, he was put also in charge of Pecha Kucha Barcelona and, of course, kept working in his greatest passion: furniture design.
This was when he started focusing on his work as a furniture designer and co-founded AOO, a small furniture company.
At the moment, Marc splits his time between being mainly in charge of AOO and comissioning personal projects.