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mid-60's chair, doe...

mid-60's chair, does it need repair?  


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25/03/2013 10:40 pm  

I bought a solid teak game table of off, and it came with 4 chairs (of course I'll beg for an ID of the set in a separate thread!)
Now I've noticed that two of the chairs have joints that appear to be "loose", in that some visible separation occurs while I'm sitting in it, and I can pull them apart. The chairs don't feel unstable (just a little creaky), but I'm worried about whether they are about to break. I'm guessing there is a dowel that holds the two pieces together (there are no visible screws, other than those connecting the seat platform to the seat).
If anyone can help me with: a) whether this is something that needs immediate attention; b) if so, whether it's an expensive repair, I'd be grateful.
Picture 1 is the whole chair, picture 2 is a closeup of the rear-left joint between the leg and the seat platform. The visible crack widens a bit if I sit in it.
The chairs are beech with a teak seat back. The table/chair set was supposedly purchased at "S. Christian of Copenhagen", a Danish furniture importer in San Francisco, in the 1960's.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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26/03/2013 1:56 am  

It is not about to break.
I would repair myself, so I don't know,about price. The repair consists of wiggling the pieces apart, cleaning glue residue, re-gluing and clamping. All of those are simple except the wiggling the pieces apart. It may not be ready to come apart easily yet, in which case I'd ignore it.
Just please don't squirt glue in the gap, it won't help, structurally, and will make the repair uglier and harder down the road removing the extra glue to get a tight fit.

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26/03/2013 8:37 pm  

...for the response, that sounds like a reasonable repair (even if I can't manage it myself).

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28/03/2013 4:00 pm  

Restoring chairs
I've restored many of these type of Danes....First thing...Take of the seat....It's more likely holding the chair together if it's that lose. They either wiggle the pieces apart or take a rubber malet and put cloth material where your going to hit the piece. Just enough force to get the pieces apart.....WATCH OUT FOR NAILS.....Check to make sure someone in the past didn't nail them together. If so make sure you get them out....You'll break the parts other wise. Get either Gorila glue/Wood glue. Make sure your rough both the socket and the piece going in with sand paper...put glue on both and put together....Then clamp making it tight. Make sure to clean up any glue that come out with a moist rag and wait.....Then put the seats back on and your done!


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