Design Addict


Kofod Larsen Spear ...

Kofod Larsen Spear chair part/screw  


Eminent Member
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Posts: 26
26/05/2017 10:34 pm  


I recently got a spear chair at auction and it was delivered with a screw missing. Any guidance on where I can find the one pictured below?

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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28/05/2017 1:24 am  

That is generally called a spanner head screw. It is a type of security screw. To find what you need you will need to figure out the length, thread type, head diameter, head height, distance between the spanner holes, metal type, etc.

Or you might need to get a machinist with a metal lathe to turn you a new one. Sometimes old Danish hardware can be impossible to find.

Active Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 5
15/09/2020 1:35 pm  

I have the same screws on my Kofod Larsen chair and not sure how to remove or where to buy replacement screws, any suggestions?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
15/09/2020 4:56 pm  

In the US, these are called 'socket screws' and come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and materials. The one in your photo is called 'spanner head' style and requires a specialized screwdriver. I very much doubt that an exact-match, new replacement can be found, but I'd recommend the McMaster-Carr website as my first choice for hard-to-find specialty fasteners and drivers.

For what it's worth, I've run into these often in my work and have fashioned make-do drivers for them by shaping 'prongs' onto standard, slotted screwdrivers using small jeweler's needle files. A little tedious, but effective in a pinch.


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