I have a Guzzini Focus floor lamp by Fabio Lenci which has a broken shade (not broken by me). I want to repair the shade as best as I can. Does anyone have any experience repairing perspex? And are there any tips as to how to reduce the visibility of the crack?
Thanks<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/8NhiQAPMVcA8N1pfYwQTUB
I have a cute little yellow ceramic planter that an old girlfriend gave to me a hundred years ago. It lives on the edge of my bathtub, on the outside rear corner. It has a dead plant in it. Every once in a while when I get a bit drunk I accidentally knock it over the edge of the tub onto the floor and it smashes into pieces. I just keep taping it back together, using clear Scotch tape. In your case, I'd recommend clear packing tape. You can get it at the dollar store.
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