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Brouer Møblefabrik ...

Brouer Møblefabrik Cabinet - skeleton key help  


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25/06/2019 9:04 pm  


I recently acquired a beautiful Brouer teak cabinet, but the doors are locked. I'd like to fabricate, or locate, a set of replacement keys. 

Can anyone on here point me in the right direction of some photos of the skeleton key Brouer uses on their pieces (with measurements), or perhaps can help me locate a set of originals?

Thanks in advance!


Illustrious Member Moderator
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30/06/2019 9:13 am  

This is a photo of a Brouer piece with a key you find on the internet. Should give you an idea about the style.  If you need the measurements to just open the thing, it is probably easier to pick the lock (you’ll find videos on how to do it), remove it and hand it to a locksmith. 


"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
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30/06/2019 5:34 pm  

If you peek in the hole, does it have a pin in the center?  Then you need to find a decorative key the fits that pin to turn the lock. 

I don't know where you are but you can probably locate one from eBay, flea markets or antique malls.  If you know someone who has a similar key, borrow it to see if it will unlock yours, then find one similar to the original if you know what it looks like.

If you are high brow and wants an unused brand new key, Hafele or similar type of online hardware places that sells decorative keys.



Illustrious Member
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Posts: 973


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