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Arne Jacobsen Wall ...

Arne Jacobsen Wall Light/Sconce - DIY tips to remove paint? (see pics)  


Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 96
15/03/2017 7:39 pm  

Hey all,

I have a vintage AJ Wall Sconce and over the years (before I acquired it) someone has painted on it (see pics).

So...I was wondering if I could get some ideas on how to remove the paint without ruining the original black matte finish/paint. There is also some rust around the bar. I am not as fussed about this, but any tips are welcome and appreciated.

I've explored having it re-painted by an independent lighting shop...but I'd really like to preserve its original paint, etc...

Thanks so much in advance!
img7040.jpgimg7041.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Reputable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 113
16/03/2017 2:02 pm  

You could try something like Goof Off pro strength applied with a q-tip. If you aren't super-careful it will go through the paint but if you don't mind the tedium it may work. Upside is, it's sorta ruined now anyway and if you screw it up, you can always have it painted.


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