I recently purchased an Eames (Evans) LCW in Mahogany (1946-48), it is in good condition, however it does have a 2mm deep gouge on the back of the chair. Is it worth getting the chair professionally restored? Please see photo 1 for the damage. I would consider selling the chair, so any sensible offers will be considered! The chair has its original shock-mounts and all the screws are original too. <img class="wpforo-default-image-attach
What Mark said. You might want to give a closer look to the shock mounts. That back came off and was put back on for a reason.
Also, it's a DCW, not an LCW---not that that matters much in regards to the back rest issue or the repair but it's always a good thing to call a chair by its proper name! DCW (dining chair wood) has longer legs than the L(ounge)CW.
Is the gouge a split in the veneer or a scratch? I don't know that it makes any difference, but it might. The wood repair people might need to know.
Sorry guys the chair was hastily reassembled this morning, I have just moved flat! Thanks for pointing that out! Please no more posts concerning the aformentioned mistakes. The gouge is just a gouge, not a split, someone at some point in time has scraped it against something to leave an indentation in the plywood. Is it worth getting it restored?
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